A​bout Us

Splash Marketing Technology

Initially registered in 1991 Splash Marketing's first website (Splash.Net.Au) was one of the first technical marketing websites in Australia.  Hardware, Database and Networking skills were needed to enter the web game back then  and remains one of our great assets today.

   About Us at Splas​h Marketing

Q. What is the history of Splash Marketing?

Splash has had a few lives. 

We began as a small marketing house in Mosman Sydney in 1991 where we focused on the new but fast growing technological world.

MadamSplash had already assisted the launch of more than 2000 products in a sale promotion capacity, but it was now necessary to have some technical skills to enter this yet unknown world.  DOS, SQL  and a CNE (Networking Engineer) were the perfect skills to support the launch of the major databases that would revolutionize all information handling and be the base of the new Internet. 

Covid 19 has been a game changer for all of us!  Time to clean some internet mess up. 

MadamSplash has developed a new SEO System that permits marketers to use the web successfully without cheating

Technology and Automation

What Now For Splash?

Madam Splash had considered retiring but instead has developed a new method of SEO which will be introduced in the mid-months of 2023.

Covid has given us the opportunity to refocus back on Australia and what matters in the world, including environment.  

Business Development and Launches

Splash Experience+

The Splash Website has been used over the years for a mixture of Marketing, Business and Entertainment initiatives, plus a good deal of trial and error.

Technology has changed substantially in the last two decades, but not enough to protect corporations and individuals.

  • Marketing Support
  • Business Development
  • Internet Media
  • Digital Marketing
  • Ethical SEO
  • Promotions
  • Training
  • Technological Marketers
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Product Launches
  • Sales Marketing Software
  • Web Development
  • Ecommerce
  • Internet Marketing (SEO)